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芯威 研华数据采集PCI-1706U


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  • 8通道不同模拟输入
  • 8部A/D模拟/数字转换器,同步采样
  • 16位A/D模拟/数字转换器,各通道采样率达250kHz
  • 可编程增益
  • 内建先进先出FIFO内存,可存储8K样本
  • 多种模拟/数字触发模式
  • 可编程起搏器/计数器
  • BoardID™开关
  • 通用PCI总线(支持3.3伏或5伏PCI总线信号)
  • 16位发送到8安全通道抽样万能PCI多职能卡?


  • PCI-1706U is an advanced high-performance multifunction card based on the Universal PCI Bus. With a large FIFO of 8K Sample, the maximum sampling rate of PCI-1706U is up to 250 kS/s with 8 A/D converters simultaneously sampling on each channel. If more than 8 analog input channels are required, multiple cards can be synchronized through the Device-to-Device Bus to support more AI channels simultaneously sampling. The PCI-1706U has two 12-bit D/A output channels, 16 digital input/output channels, and two 32-bit Time/counter channels so that it can provide specific functions for different application requirements.

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