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  • 成品类型:ADAM-5000/ECAT
  • 生产厂商性能:代理商
  • 不断更新时长:2024-05-03
  • 访  问  量:1665

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4-slot Distribu♋ted High Speed I/O System for EtherCAT

The ADAM-5000/ECAT 4-slot distributed flexible system can provide high-speed, high-precision remote I/O for EtherCAT. It is the link between the EtherCAT automation control network and the EtherCAT I/O modules ranging from basic DI/O's to high-speed AI/O models for different application scenarios. All our EtherCAT devices have been designed and tested to meet Advantech's stringent requirements on noise immunity. Fast, accurate, highly -efficient data transmission and easy remote configuration make ADAM-5000/ECAT the perfect match in industrial automation architecture.


  • 32-bit ARM RISC Processor
  • 4 slots with various digital and analog I/O modules is just a single EtherCAT node on the network
  • Supports EtherCAT Distributed Clock (DC) mode and SyncManager mode
  • Supports the Modular Device Profile (MDP) when all modules are a pure I/O function
  • Configure I/O module parameters and upgrade via a utility
  • Node addresses can be fixed by rotary switches, or set by software
  • Compatible with Advantech Common Motion SDK or other EtherCAT master through ENI file generation
  • 8-bit DIP switch for Mode setting and three rotate switch for up to 4,096 slave IDs (x1, x10, x100)
  • 研华采集模块

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